
Showing posts from April, 2020

School At Home IT Solutions

I work in education and recently have been in contact with a number of schools in Northern Ireland, Scotland and a couple in England to find out what barriers students are encountering in continuing their learning from home. While a small number of families are reporting problems with their broadband connections, by far the biggest barrier is actual IT hardware. Often this is in families with three or more children where there are not enough computers to go around, especially if mum, dad or both are also working from home. An announcement was made by the Department of Education in England last week that IT hardware would be available for loan to students and some schools in NI have already lent laptops to students, but there are nowhere near enough to go around. Now obviously in our house we are spoilt, but only because we up-cycle 'obsolete' IT equipment and run everything on Linux, but that hasn't stopped me looking at possible solutions for others. It occurred to m