One Wire is all you need
I ordered up a handful of DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors and here is one interfaced to my DIY Arduino board. There are some nice sample programs available to demonstrate the capabilities of the 1-wire (Dallas/Maxim) interface bus with the DS18B20 and this one is outputting the data to a PC via the serial port (USB)
The odd thing beside the sensor is a re-usable plastic ice-cube I'm using to cool the sensor down for testing!
The odd thing beside the sensor is a re-usable plastic ice-cube I'm using to cool the sensor down for testing!
This is the output on the PC via the serial monitor.
The beauty of these sensors is that they can be chained together on the one bus as each one has a unique laser-etched hex serial number to distinguish each one. This seems to be the way to go for the heating control system as it will have 4 sensors positioned on the water pipes and the hot water cylinder for monitoring.
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