Raspberry Jam

Well, here's the proof that I finally got hold of a RaspberryPi computer (for £25 including p&p).  The odd arrangement of the monitor has its own story of course.  I was given this Hanns-G LCD monitor recently by another kind Freegler, but the power supply was faulty.  What made it worth fixing was the DVI interface which can be directly connected to HDMI and HDMI is what the RaspberryPi outputs. So I took it apart and found that it was basically running off 12v and 5v which was easy enough to test rig from an old mini-PC power unit.  The monitor has a good crisp image and once I tidy the wiring up a bit it will be fine for use with the RaspberryPi.  The HDMI-to-DVI cable was £2.99 out of a local discount shop.  Always worth a look in Poundland, World of Pound, Home Bargains and the other discount shops, you never know what they have.

For the time being, we built a Lego box for the RaspberryPi, pretty much from scratch.  The sticker on the top was to hint at the computer being destined (one day) to be the front end for a vehicle diagnostic system, but that's as far off as it ever was!  It's a lot of fun trying to get there though.


  1. Your Pi arrived - I'm dead jealous! CR (@computing_teach). Mine has been in the pipeline for some time...


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